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Restructuring an bankruptcy

Our highly qualified team of advisors provides the opportunity to carry out restructuring of the enterprise both in crisis situations caused by deteriorating financial situation, as well as in the case of the desire to stabilize the entrepreneur's position in the market.

Legal services

We direct our legal services to business entities and individual clients. Depending on the needs, we provide legal advice, prepare pleadings, represent the client before courts and administrative authorities.

Tax advisory

As part of our tax advisory service, we deal with all issues related to tax obligations. We help to choose the optimal form of conducting business, plan transactions and properly document them, as well as assist in tax proceedings and disputes.

Business consulting

The department of economic, business, and financial valuation advisory services consists of qualified specialists who combine legal, financial, accounting, and IT knowledge with a broad understanding of various business fields.

Accounting and payroll

Accounting, financial reporting and tax returns are very important areas of any business, but they should not absorb the key managers. Accounting outsourcing allows you to hand over your HR and payroll processes to a professional consulting firm.


As part of the financial audit service, we conduct examinations of financial statements in accordance with the provisions of the Polish Accounting Act, as well as corporate requirements.

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